Spa Masterclass Part One: staff efficiency is your secret weapon

Amy Moore
Amy Moore
4 minute read
Spa Masterclass Part One: staff efficiency is your secret weapon

Spa Masterclass: Part One

In the first instalment of our masterclass series, we're delving into a topic that's at the heart of every successful spa and leisure property: staff efficiency. By harnessing the power of your team, customer satisfaction and revenue will undoubtedly increase.

Remember - your staff is your singular biggest asset and the driving force behind success.

Investing in your staff and technology that supports their day-to-day efficiencies furthers your spa's overall success, whether that's increasing foot traffic, bookings, conversions or guest satisfaction - or perhaps all of the aforementioned.

On a side note, if you're wondering how we know what we're talking about, let's address that first.

We work with over 80 spas across the UK, Ireland, France, Cyprus and the US. Our customer success managers visit the properties we service, we ask our customers what they need, and most importantly, we listen!

We gather our data and insights directly from the source, and now they're yours. So if your team feels slowed down by poor tech, we've got you covered. Besides who actually has time for that these days?

nobody has time for that

So, get ready to transform your staff operations to give your property the spa treatment that it deserves.

Understanding the Importance of Staff Efficiency

Staff efficiency is at the core of any successful spa and leisure property. When your staff operate at top notch levels, customer service is augmented. And as a result, you build brand loyalty with customers that continue to return.

For example… We’ve all been to hotels or restaurants where the service was mediocre at best, so you’re probably not likely to return; but when you engage with staff that deliver truly memorable customer experiences, that value is timeless. You find yourself returning not only to enjoy the service, but to also enjoy interacting with the staff.

So, to deliver that timeless customer experience, staff need to feel personally fulfilled and also have tools at their disposal that help them work as efficiently as possible.

At the end of the day, happy staff means happy customers!

Challenges Faced in Spa Staff Management

Before we dive into solutions, let's focus on some logistics behind staff management, which is no easy walk in the park. And when we talk about staff management, the key focus here is time management.

Far too often, your staff are spending unnecessary time taking bookings or confirming details over the phone.

Our data shows that 47% of bookings occur outside of working hours. So when your staff are not around to take bookings over the phone, that is potentially lost revenue.

And if you're lacking a system that sends out intake forms prior to guest arrival, that is even more time wasted.

Time is money at the end of the day. And the time your staff spend on arduous, manual tasks that can be automated with a system like Trybe, can instead be better placed towards providing a better experience for your paying customer.

It’s a win-win at the end of the day!

Unveiling the Secret Weapon: Staff Efficiency

Staff efficiency is the fuel that fires up your property’s revenue and overall success. Happy staff equates to happy customers. Don’t forget this!

Our team recently attended Spa Life UK, and one of the keynote speakers stressed the importance of looking after your people! Inspire your people and your people will inspire guests. And in return, your spa will thrive!

An easy starting point to spark that inspiration is to equip your team with the tools they need to make their day-to-day life more efficient and easy. We no longer live in the dark ages, so why equip your team with technology that does not hold up to the pace of innovation that is commonplace across every other industry?

If your team is currently drowning in Windows 99 vibes, then consider a different solution that has responded to today's pace of innovation, is easier to use and quicker to learn.

Trybe UI

So, how can you tangibly streamline the booking process for your staff? If you’re a manager reading this, ask yourself these questions:

  • What percentage of my staff are spending their time taking phone bookings?
  • Is the process of taking phone bookings something your staff actually enjoy?
  • Do you have an online booking system that alleviates manual burdens from your team?

If you do have an online booking system, is it cloud-based (meaning you do not have to be on-site to access it)? The beauty of floating in the cloud is the ability to access your system from anywhere, at anytime and from any device. Talk about flexibility, right?

You may have answered yes to some of the questions; you may have answered no. Perhaps you are in a bit of a grey area. That’s okay!

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If you’d like to answer a few more questions, we have a free scorecard available that will provide you with tailored tips and tricks that can be immediately implemented into your spa’s strategy. And with an inevitable season dip in bookings fast approaching, now is the perfect time to explore new solutions.

Looking Ahead: Part 2 Sneak Peek Now that part one of our masterclass series has come to an end, here’s a teaser on what is to come in part two…fancy pampering your guests before they arrive with a streamlined end-to-end booking experience?

If that’s a yes, then stay tuned!

Thanks for reading!

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